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| | Nelennas' Application (Approved) | |
+4Jephos Mispir Rajanikant Cormac Darjay Nelennas 8 posters | Author | Message |
Nelennas Corporal
Age : 47 Join date : 2011-04-21 Posts : 21 Location : UK - Cheltenham
Character Sheet Name: Undecided Advanced Class: Jedi Consular RP Title: 4
| Subject: Nelennas' Application (Approved) Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:15 am | |
| 1. Character Name (this will be your name on the site and forums):*
2. Class (Jedi Consular, Jedi Knight, Smuggler, or Trooper):*
Main: Jedi Consular (healing Spec) secondary: Trooper
3. Please describe your knowledge of Star Wars?
I come from a fantasy background and have 10 years or so experience of playing MMOs such as WOW, AION, LOTRO, Age Of Conan etc, so am still learning about the Star Wars universe. I have watched the films and played recently Knight of the Old Republic 1 & 2. Have also read the histories and background on the main SWOTOR website.
The more detailed the better, please: * 4. Please tell us about your other guild/MMO experiences. If there is more than one guild/experience, please include all of them. If you left your last guild, please tell us why you decided to leave. If you have used more than one name, please list them all.*
As stated above I have played many MMO's including EVE Online and Star Trek Online as well as those listed above. The recent games I have played were Age of Conan and Aion.
Age of Conan - Guild - Messengers of the Moon, Name: Celdiun, Guild - Serpents Ascendants, Name: Tutmose
Reason for leaving - moved to Aion
Aion - Guild - Legio Fortiori, Name: Celabren, Guild - Order of Supremacy, Name: Celabren
Reason for leaving - Played since launch until late 2010, first guild folded and then helped set up the 2nd guild, got tired of the game in the end and work took over.
What type of role do you wish to take within the guild?
I come from a strong RP background, all the guilds I joined in the games mentioned above were Medium to Heavy RP guild. Will be happy to contribute to the RP community within the guild and help out in the guild where possible.
How do you plan to be active? Please be specific.*
Although am not at posting on forums will try to be fairly active on the forums, and will be online in the game once launched most evening and weekends. Will be happy to assist with guild matters and community within the game.
6. Why do you feel the Army of Light is a good fit for you?*
From reading the many guilds created for this game, and of course your website which seems very well put together, I believe the guild seems focused and well structured, and I agree with your values.
7. What do you expect of the guild? Please be specific.*
A mature and friendly online community
8. Age* (Must be 16+ - only truly exceptional Applications from sub-16 year olds will be considered):
35 (16/12/76)
9. Time Zone:*
UK - Cheltenham, England
10.Role-Play experience/expectations.
As stated previously, I come from a background of RP guilds, and hope your RP community will be active with regular events. Will be happy to help out and offer ideas and support where possible.
Can you give us some examples of Role-Playing you have participated in before. When it comes to expectations, give us an example of what would be fun to participate in, what you are looking for, etc.*
I have been in many heavy RP guilds, where regular in game events have been held with structured story plots, events, such as markets, story telling etc. Probably one of the most memorable was in Age of Conan where I was part of a Styian Assassins and Concubine guild - The Serpents Ascendant where all characters stayed in character all the time, held events every evening in the main inn in the major city.
I hope to find a similar experience within your guild.
11. How can you benefit and help the guild? Please include any skills or talents you have that you would enjoy doing within the guild. How have you helped your previous guild(s), if you have previous experience?*
By being active member and contributing to the guild matters and helping with the RP community and events.
12. How do you define a quality member?*
Some one who is active, friendly, constructive, and treats other members and players outside the guild with respect.
13. How did you find the Army of Light? Did someone recruit you? If so, please let us know who.*
Through the main SWOTOR website.
14a.Have you visited our website and chat room, and familiarized yourself with the, Charter, Mission Statement, and Rules of Conduct? (You must answer in the affirmative and please prove that you have)*
Yes, I thought they were well thought out, and agreed with the values and rules.
14b. Do you pledge to fulfil them, most notably to uphold the virtues of Maturity, Honor, Respect, Personal Ethics and No Drama?*
14c. The Army of Light wishes to have members who take the concept of Commitment and Loyalty very seriously. By applying and if accepted, you are taking an Oath to both the guild and your guild-mates here. Is this something to which you can commit?
Yes I will.
15. Would you say that you embody the qualities of Respect, Honor, Loyalty, and Maturity? What are your definitions of these four words? Please don’t just answer yes or no, let us know why you think you possess these qualities.*
Respect - I am respectful of others, and often humbled by their experiences which are often insightful, and recognise we have a lot to learn from those we meet. Honor - if you treat people the way you would like to be treated, this builds trust and honor. Loyalty - I am loyal to those people or concepts and guilds I believe in.
Maturity - I have had a colourful life and so am a calm and approachable person.
16. Tell us about a time you offered assistance to someone who did not ask for it but clearly needed it. If you have never had this experience, tell us what you would do if faced with that situation?
I believe I am fairly intuitive and sensitive to other, quite often I am seem as someone people come to for help, and will always try to help people if they seem lost or unsure. In game I like playing supportive roles like healing, and will help others who are not in my group or guild if they seem lost or in trouble.
17. Role-play Scenario (please tell us how you would handle the situation): You are leading a group of 3 others through a forest on a remote moon to destroy an enemy communications relay. Up ahead in a clearing, you happen to spot a small Sith camp. Your group has not yet been spotted by the enemy. You are reasonably well supplied for your mission, including armaments. The clearing containing the Sith camp is not necessarily in your direct path to reach your original mission objective. Attacking the camp could alert the guards at the relay. However, attacking the relay without first dealing with the camp could mean enemy reinforcements from the camp. What do you do?
To ensure success in taking the main objective, I would take the camp first, using the abilities of my group to try and take it quickly and silently to avoid detection. My doing this would increase my group's safety and increase the success of taking the main objective, by reducing the chances or detection and reinforcements.
18. In more than 50 but less than 200 words, please describe your personal character and the type of person you are (We wish to get a good feel of the type of person that will be becoming a part of our guild family - a very important question!)*
As mentioned before I am calm and fairly passive, and a bit shy at first. I have done a lot of travelling in my life to places such as the Amazon, Africa, and the Middle East. As a result this has helped me appreciate the bigger picture in life and the fact that we are part of a greater community. I have quite a demanding job providing IT Production Support for 5 of Zurich Financial Services' UK insurance companies, and so have a professional and mature approach.
19. Tell us a little about your in-game character* -Character Name: -Character Physical/Mental Features: -Character Biography: 20. What is your registered user name on swtor.com?*
I am fairly new to the Star wars world so have not had time to think of a background story for my character yet, or a name. A possible name is Celdiun. I will play a Jedi Consular with the main focus on healing, the character is likely to be very committed to the Jedi Order and its mission. This character will stay true to the Light Side.
To give you an idea of my past RP characters, below is a story background I wrote for my character Tutmose from Age of Conan. Hope you like it and sorry its so long!
The Story of Tutmose – Chosen of Set
The air was warm, it was nightime in the deep Stygian Desert. The sounds of crickets could be heard in the air and the spectacle of the desert sands moving in eddies over the dunes amused Kerim-Thes, Priest of Set, as he walked on his regular path through the Dunes away from where his Caravan had made camp for the night. He enjoyed these forays into the Desert, where he could escape from the busy streets of Khemi or the order of the Temples of Set in Keshatta. Here he could hear the cries of the desert, the call of the fox or the faint cries of birds of prey upon the wind. It had been almost an hour now since he had left the camp and ventured into the deep desert.
Carried by the wind he could make out a faint cry, almost child like, intrigued by this sound he followed its direction venturing towards a rocky outcrop amidst the dunes. As he approached the cry became louder, and definitely to his ears was like the cry of a baby. Puzzled by this he followed the direction of these sounds, wondering how this could be. They were far away from any settlement or Oasis. Soon he reached the rock outcrop and a sight met him, which took him by surprise. Before him hidden in an enclave in the rocks lay a baby of Stygian origin resting within the coils of a serpent of Set. This spectacle bemused him as they were far from any settlement, and it would have been a journey of many weeks to reach this place. Even more strange the baby seemed quite calm wrapped n the coils of Set’s Serpent. The serpent itself merely looked at the priest unmoved and seemed to gesture towards the child.
The priest knew this must be a sign and offering from Set, things he had read about back in the Temples in Keshatta, but seldom seen. A realisation came over him and he gasped in shock.. This must be one ‘Chosen by Set’. He offered a brief prayer to Set for this offering and then carefully took the baby, from the coils of the snake; not wanting to anger it. The serpent seemed unmoved by this and merely looked at him. He turned back in the direction of the camp, the cries of the child became silent, and the rhythm of the desert he had so favoured returned in a comforting rhythm. As he walked away from the rocky outcrop a silence fell over the d3esert and the enormity of what he had just done fell over him. He looked back to where he had found the baby and the serpent had gone; leaving no tracks upon the desert sands.
He quickly realised that he needed to hand this child over to the care of Hashima, Queen of Set , and mother to the faithful. It took three long weeks further before they reached the familiar walls of Keshatta, three long weeks, which seemed like a lifetime to him with his new ward. Though the child seldom cried much, only when they left the deep desert for the rocky road to Keshatta. As the caravan meandered it’s way through the outer settlements of Kesh, he wondered what reception he would get with this gift, and what would become of this child.
As soon as he left the caravan, he made his way from the Souk up the steps towards the Temples, knowing he must seek out Hashima. On his way to the Temple of the Queen of Set , an sense of foreboding set in his heart; though a High Priest of Set himself, he had never directly encountered the High Priestess of Set, only occasionally seen her in the most grandest of rituals. As he traversed those steps, the night seemed strangely quiet. He worried about how the high priestess might react, maybe he had got it wrong? Hashima stood by the entrance to the Temple dressed in the usual purple robes. She was more beautiful than any other woman he had seen, yet there was a darker side to her beauty, something benevolent. As he reached her he could hear the loud hiss of Labbu, a giant snake. It was said that she could speak to Set through this snake. Slightly nervous and with one eye on the snake; for is was one of the largest snakes he had ever seen, he hesitantly bowed and offered her the baby, recounting his story.
There was a brief silence after, and then unexpectedly Labbu uncoiled himself and weaved around the priestess and moved his giant head close to the baby. This took them both by surprise Labbu seldom moved much. The serpent brushed the baby gently with his head, as if caressing it. The child laughed lightly, its echo carried through the still night. The serpent then retreated back to it’s original position coiled around and watched them. Kerim-Thes felt a sigh of relief, for this seemed to validate his story. Hashima then spoke, you were right priest to bring this child to me, Set has spoken and this is truly one Chosen by Set. He will be called ‘Tutmose’ which means ‘born of Thoth’, for it is the month of the ancient deity Thoth. Hashima then laid the child in the coils of Labbu, and said he has favour with Set’s children. The priest retreated back down the stairs, knowing his part was complete.
Fourteen summers past, and Tutmose grew strong; during this time his playground was the inner chamber of the Temples, or out in the deep desert. He would often go missing for hours and would be returned by startled travelers or city guards found wandering the desert. He learnt the way of desert life, and followed the unseen paths of the fox and saw the desert’s hidden mysteries. He would often go out with the priests on journies into the deep desert of other temple, and so saw the many ancient places of Stygia, and learned its history and ways of life. He showed remarkable agility for his age and often scaled the walls of the Temples and walked along the roofs of Keshatta. He showed an unnaturally refined skill for concealing himself in the shadows and would frighten priests by jumping out at them. During this time Hashima taught him the mysteries of Set, and the many rituals, as well as of some of the lesser-known deities, such as Derketo and the ancient deities. He saw the inner life of the temples and priesthood, sights often hidden from the public.
His keen skills were advanced for one his age did not go unnoticed, and to Hashima this spoke of the path he might be destined for. She decided to send him to Khopshef for a while to the Priestess of Derketo Shapatria. If her believe in his abilities were correct then Shapatria could start the journey of homing them, before he might be ready for the trials back in Keshatta.
For five long summers he was under Shapatria tutoring, and learned the mysteries of Derketo, and the exotic dances reserved only usually for the female initiates of Derketo on the path to become courtesans. Through these ‘tantric’ like dances he learned to control his body and mind, develop heightening his senses and using new muscles he had know been aware of before, and learned to subtleties of the flesh and to control his emotions. He became more agile and showed a strong physical skill for dance weaving his body in the rhymyic notes. Shapatria knew now the path he must take and arranged to send him back to Hashima, with a note saying ‘he is ready.’ On the eve before he left, she called him to her private chambers, ensuring they were alone. As he stood before her now, she was struck by how fast he had grown, how self aware he was and how toned and muscular his body had become. He was a man now, and no longer that frightened child who had arrived so long along. She gestured him to sit with her and looked around to see if any were about, before speaking in hushed tones. A time will come Tutmose when you will leave Keshatta, when that time comes seek out the Serpent’s Head Inn in Khemi, and one by the name of Sharzade, she and her sisters can be trusted.. Ensure you are both alone and utter these words ‘the shrouded serpent,’ she will know what to do from there. He asked what is that? Shapatria smiles softly and whispered ‘ask no questions for you are not ready for the answers.
When Tutmose returned to Keshatta, Hashima was waiting for him on the Temple steps, she lead him quickly into her chambers. He handed her the note from Shapatria. She read the note and looked thoughtfully at him. He detected a note of sadness in her expression. There was a brief silence and then she spoke. While you were gone Tutmose I sort guidance from Set, your path has become clear. You must take a test to prove whether this path is right for you. If the ..she pauses .. test goes well then the path will be confirmed. She turned to him, this will not be an easy road, it will be lonely and hard, but the knowledge of your service to Set should be reward enough. He bowed at her words, I am the vessel of Set’s will. She looked approvingly at his words. She then lead him out of the Temple to a dimly light door at the side of the Great Temple. She knocked upon the door which was plain and unadorned,. After a while the door opened, and darkness greeted them. He could make little out, and it took his eyes a while to adjust, even in the desert moonlight. There were steps leading down into the darkness, which they ventured down. Suddenly out of the darkness appeared a man, covered from head to toe in dark robes, the only thing visible was his piecing eyes. He looked dark and sinister to Tutmose, and seemed to appear if out of nowhere as if by magic magic. The man looked at them both, and as suddenly as he appeared disappeared again. As they ventured further down the steps, a door suddenly opened a long way below them. In the dim light from that open doorway, the bottom of the steps were illuminated, yet nothing was revealed of the room beyond.
They entered the room, and were greeted by similarly glad men as the one which they met on the steps. Only one of these men seemed moved by their entrance, and opened another doorway, which had a winding stair upwards. As Tutmose, left the room he noticed it was not in the usual fancy adorned custom of the chambers of the Temples, but was plain and simply furnished. Though one thing caught his attention. Before him on all wall was a giant gold symbol of two serpents with large fangs. Though he had seen many of the Stygian symbols in his lifetime he did not recognise this one from any of the scrolls or buildings he had seen. An unease and sense of foreboding arose in him, heightened by Hashima serious manner tonight. They climbed the winding stairs which were dimly light, and Tutmose realised they were in one of the spires of the Great Temple, places he had been forbidden from entering.
They finally reached a single room which was unwelcoming with a simple bed and a small window, there was no other furniture. As Tutmose entered the room Hashima and the strange man stood by the doorway. He sensed a pained expression on Hashima’s face. She spoke softly, stay here Tutmose, and heed the words of Set to his faithful. Then the door was closed and to his surprise locked. With little else to do, and unnerved by her manner he lay on the bed and watched the stars of the Stygian night.
He woke suddenly when a lock turned and a man dressed as the others entered the room, the stranger did not speak or look at him and merely left some food and drink on the floor, and left, locking the door again behind him. A strong smell of cinnamon filled the room. Hungry from his long journey that day, and unsure how many hours he had been asleep Tutmose ate the food and drink eagerly, then lay on the bed again.
The next morning he left a burning pain in his stomach and head. For two more days this routine continued, and the pain got worse , until he developed a fever, every fibre of his body screamed in pain, and his senses were dulled by it. He did not know where he was or why, and wondered in his clouded thoughts why they and Hashima were doing this to him. Had he done something wrong? By the end of the second day he become unconscious. Finally on the eve of the third day he awoke, but after he regained his senses still weak and disorientated, realised he was not in the same room, this was a much larger room, brightly adorned with golden images of Set and that strange symbol again. He quickly realised he was not alone and there were many of those strange shrouded men, and to his relief there was Hashima sitting by him. She smiled faintly, and whispered softly, welcome back to the world of the living again, young disciple of Set, you have passed the test. One of those men came towards them, and removed his hood, he was a dark and serious looking man, he noticed on his left arm he bore a tattoo the same as that symbol on the walls. The main spoke in an ancient Styigan language, then leaned close to him and spoke softly with a strange warmly tone, you have passed the test of the ‘living poison’, you are indeed Chosen by Set, and so your destiny begins to write itself. Still not fully aware the next thing he noticed to his horror, two men approached with a branding iron. On it he saw that same symbol as on the walls, the serpents. Before he had time to react, he felt the hot and sudden pain, as the iron was pressed against his upper arm, he cried out into the silent Stygian Night, then fell unconscious again.
Once again he awoke and found him in a warmly lit room, lushly decorated, though that same symbol on the walls, a faint familiar smell of black lotus perfumed the room, though he did not know why he knew this smell. He saw Hashima sitting by him, a warm smile spread across her face, and she spoke softly How do you feel, you must have been asleep for three days. I looked at her blankly and there felt a slight sting to his arm, and looked and saw at same symbol tattooed on his arm. He looked quickly and searching at Hashima. She smiled and said that is the sign of ‘living poison,’ the test you just endured is reserved only for a few favoured by Set. You were given potent poisons and black lotus in your food, the dose was slowly increased until it could have killed a man. But she paused, you survived He was about to speak when she continued, this is the test used for initiates into the ‘Fangs of Set.’ He looked at her puzzled, he did not recall that name before in the many scrolls and teachings he had learnt. Though many know there name few dare to speak it, and you will never find it written on a scroll. They are the fable shadow warriors of Set vengeance. Deadly assassins, which do his bidding. It is them which hold the people of Stygian to the Priests bidding and even the priests are not without fear of a blade in the night. Only the most high priests and priestesses of our order control the Fang’s of Set. And you have now been imitated. Ever since you came to me those many years ago, your keen senses and agility were noticed and so this path became clear.
Five summers of long training followed in the secret ways of the Fangs of Set, deep in the deserts in the dead of night he learnt the shadow dances of knifes, and homed his skills to become one of the deadly assassin of this hidden and unseen order. He learned to heed the call of the desert and use its landscape to his advantage, walking and blending into its shadows. How to conceal himself totally from sight, and strike a blade, like the swift strike of Set’s serpents. He learned the art of collecting and mixing deadly poisons
Once his training was complete he received orders from the high priests and leaders of his order, and so some unfortunate souls who openely defied Set would not wake in the morning. So keen was his training that he could kill a man in open day light in the busy streets of the Souk without anyone ever noticing.
Finally Hashima requested he come to her chambers one day, and she told him that his training was complete and now he was under the secret service of Set. She told him that to those who ask he was a simple trader of rare Styigan artefacts, and gave him a small allowance to catch a boat to Khemi, and bade him visit Issa, one of his order. She told him it was time for him to travel the distant lands of Stygia and those of her neighbours, so that he could learn of her enemies and allies, learn their strengths and weakness. But to remember that we will call on you when Set’s will desires it, and to return once per month for further training and orders. She whispered softly making sure none were about, look for the shrouded Serpent in Khemi, there you will be welcome and can find sanctuary.
And so he ventured to Khemi and the Serpants Head Inn remembering the words of Shapatria and Hashima, his life a destiny which had only begun to be set in motion… | |
| | | Cormac Darjay Lieutenant
Age : 27 Join date : 2011-03-09 Posts : 893 Location : Ord Mantell
Character Sheet Name: Cormac Darjay Advanced Class: Vanguard RP Title: Lieutenant
| Subject: Re: Nelennas' Application (Approved) Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:45 am | |
| *stares at wall of text* Well, this may be one of the best and most descriptive apps I've ever seen. Good luck! | |
| | | Rajanikant Sergeant
Age : 32 Join date : 2011-04-16 Posts : 52 Location : Ohio
Character Sheet Name: Rajanikant Advanced Class: Jedi Consular - Sage RP Title: Padwan
| Subject: Re: Nelennas' Application (Approved) Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:52 am | |
| *stares at wall of text and has to have Cormac Darjay lift his jaw up for him* Holy crap. i really think you want in really bad. Very good apt | |
| | | Cormac Darjay Lieutenant
Age : 27 Join date : 2011-03-09 Posts : 893 Location : Ord Mantell
Character Sheet Name: Cormac Darjay Advanced Class: Vanguard RP Title: Lieutenant
| Subject: Re: Nelennas' Application (Approved) Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:01 am | |
| Well, if it can make two people jaw drop by skimming, and me faint when I actually read it(not quite, but close), then I think you got a sure shot at it. Seems we really do have a good RPer on our hands. | |
| | | Jephos Mispir High General
Age : 43 Join date : 2010-12-19 Posts : 672 Location : Pennsylvania, USA
Character Sheet Name: Jephos Mispir Advanced Class: Sage RP Title: Grand Master
| Subject: Re: Nelennas' Application (Approved) Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:46 pm | |
| Greetings Nelennas,
Your Application is now Under Review by the Recruitment Council. You will receive a reply back shortly, usually between 48 to 72 hours.
Thank you for your interest in The Army of Light.
Warmest regards, Grand Master Jephos Mispir Founder of The Army of Light | |
| | | Korvus Starlight Commander
Age : 34 Join date : 2010-12-29 Posts : 1359 Location : Tython
Character Sheet Name: Korvus Starlight Advanced Class: Sentinel RP Title: Master
| Subject: Re: Nelennas' Application (Approved) Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:31 pm | |
| Wow.....Just wow. | |
| | | Jando Vek Sergeant Major
Age : 30 Join date : 2011-03-12 Posts : 606 Location : Kentucky,USA
Character Sheet Name: Jando Vek Advanced Class: Vanguard RP Title: Sergeant Major
| Subject: Re: Nelennas' Application (Approved) Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:00 pm | |
| - Quote :
- *stares at wall of text* Well, this may be one of the best and most descriptive apps I've ever seen. Good luck!
Ya no kidding. - Quote :
- Greetings Nelennas,
Your Application is now Under Review by the Recruitment Council. You will receive a reply back shortly, usually between 48 to 72 hours.
Thank you for your interest in The Army of Light.
Warmest regards, Grand Master Jephos Mispir Founder of The Army of Light Ha, goes this thing even need to be reviewed, I would say instant in. Welcome Nelenna btw. | |
| | | Jephos Mispir High General
Age : 43 Join date : 2010-12-19 Posts : 672 Location : Pennsylvania, USA
Character Sheet Name: Jephos Mispir Advanced Class: Sage RP Title: Grand Master
| Subject: Re: Nelennas' Application (Approved) Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:08 pm | |
| Procedures.
Also, what is the answer to question 20 please? | |
| | | Jando Vek Sergeant Major
Age : 30 Join date : 2011-03-12 Posts : 606 Location : Kentucky,USA
Character Sheet Name: Jando Vek Advanced Class: Vanguard RP Title: Sergeant Major
| Subject: Re: Nelennas' Application (Approved) Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:18 pm | |
| - Quote :
- Procedures.
Also, what is the answer to question 20 please? I know I was just joking, should have added an lol to it. | |
| | | Nelennas Corporal
Age : 47 Join date : 2011-04-21 Posts : 21 Location : UK - Cheltenham
Character Sheet Name: Undecided Advanced Class: Jedi Consular RP Title: 4
| Subject: Question 20.... Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:31 pm | |
| Sorry guys missed that one:
registered name is Celabren | |
| | | Rajanikant Sergeant
Age : 32 Join date : 2011-04-16 Posts : 52 Location : Ohio
Character Sheet Name: Rajanikant Advanced Class: Jedi Consular - Sage RP Title: Padwan
| Subject: Re: Nelennas' Application (Approved) Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:49 pm | |
| looks good man. i think your odds are very high | |
| | | Nelennas Corporal
Age : 47 Join date : 2011-04-21 Posts : 21 Location : UK - Cheltenham
Character Sheet Name: Undecided Advanced Class: Jedi Consular RP Title: 4
| Subject: Re: Nelennas' Application (Approved) Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:52 pm | |
| Thanks for comments guys | |
| | | Turor Eutobi Sergeant Major
Age : 40 Join date : 2011-03-14 Posts : 63 Location : Dunedin, New Zealand
Character Sheet Name: Turor Eutobi Advanced Class: Jedi Knight RP Title: 4
| Subject: Re: Nelennas' Application (Approved) Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:46 pm | |
| Good luck getting in, it would be great to have a UK RP'er in the guild, from what i hear you guys have a natural talent for it. | |
| | | Cormac Darjay Lieutenant
Age : 27 Join date : 2011-03-09 Posts : 893 Location : Ord Mantell
Character Sheet Name: Cormac Darjay Advanced Class: Vanguard RP Title: Lieutenant
| Subject: Re: Nelennas' Application (Approved) Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:08 pm | |
| HIGH Chances? How about almost for sure? | |
| | | Jephos Mispir High General
Age : 43 Join date : 2010-12-19 Posts : 672 Location : Pennsylvania, USA
Character Sheet Name: Jephos Mispir Advanced Class: Sage RP Title: Grand Master
| Subject: Re: Nelennas' Application (Approved) Fri Apr 22, 2011 8:17 am | |
| Greetings Nelennas, Your Application has been Approved. Your next step upon the Path is to pass your Trial Membership. You will need to: - Post 15 meaningful posts on the Forums - Post an Introduction of yourself (RP) on the Forums - Create a registered Forums profile, complete with avatar - Obtain an avatar for use in our Xat chats (primary room is our Citadel Chat) - While in chat, make your name [AL]Initiate Nelennas - Register with the guild on the SW:TOR site at http://www.swtor.com/guilds/5501/army-light After you have been here a minimum of 1 week and have done the aforementioned, you must then interview with myself or Supreme Master Caliber Mispir to pass into Full Membership. With that successfully completed, you will report to the Jedi branch leaders (Master Caliber Mispir or Master Shoja Fodun) for general class branch training and to General Bren Durron or Master Vyynn Randos for Squadron/Platoon assignment. Squadrons will act as your home within your home and help acclimate you to guild life and try to answer any questions you may have. Also, we foster an Open Door Policy here at the Army of Light. Should you ever have a question or difficulty, or simply need to talk over an issue, please send me a PM here on the Forums. Best of luck to you. Warmest regards, Grand Master Jephos Mispir Founder of the Army of Light | |
| | | Jando Vek Sergeant Major
Age : 30 Join date : 2011-03-12 Posts : 606 Location : Kentucky,USA
Character Sheet Name: Jando Vek Advanced Class: Vanguard RP Title: Sergeant Major
| Subject: Re: Nelennas' Application (Approved) Fri Apr 22, 2011 8:20 am | |
| | |
| | | Cormac Darjay Lieutenant
Age : 27 Join date : 2011-03-09 Posts : 893 Location : Ord Mantell
Character Sheet Name: Cormac Darjay Advanced Class: Vanguard RP Title: Lieutenant
| Subject: Re: Nelennas' Application (Approved) Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:03 am | |
| | |
| | | Nelennas Corporal
Age : 47 Join date : 2011-04-21 Posts : 21 Location : UK - Cheltenham
Character Sheet Name: Undecided Advanced Class: Jedi Consular RP Title: 4
| Subject: Re: Nelennas' Application (Approved) Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:18 am | |
| Thanks for approval Nele | |
| | | Korvus Starlight Commander
Age : 34 Join date : 2010-12-29 Posts : 1359 Location : Tython
Character Sheet Name: Korvus Starlight Advanced Class: Sentinel RP Title: Master
| Subject: Re: Nelennas' Application (Approved) Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:32 am | |
| Welcome to the AL Nelennas. | |
| | | Guest Guest
| Subject: Re: Nelennas' Application (Approved) Fri Apr 22, 2011 5:44 pm | |
| Dang Nelennas!! Nice application!! |
| | | isaiahzsa Lieutenant
Join date : 2011-02-01 Posts : 293
Character Sheet Name: Isaiahzsa Advanced Class: trooper RP Title: Solari 1 Actual
| Subject: Re: Nelennas' Application (Approved) Fri Apr 22, 2011 8:26 pm | |
| Looks good! If you need anything toss me a PM | |
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| Subject: Re: Nelennas' Application (Approved) | |
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| | | | Nelennas' Application (Approved) | |
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