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 Uzu's Application (Approved)

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5 posters

Join date : 2011-03-21
Posts : 2

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PostSubject: Uzu's Application (Approved)   Uzu's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeTue Apr 12, 2011 2:01 pm

1. Character Name (this will be your name on the site and forums):*
2. Class (Jedi Consular, Jedi Knight, Smuggler, or Trooper):*

I am liking the Smuggler class, Healer spec. Or I might go Jedi Consular, haven't decided.

3. Please describe your knowledge of Star Wars? The more detailed the better, please: *

I have always been a fan of Star Wars, since I was a kid. I played the Trading Card Game, and have seen the movies a billion times. My friends and I would watch and find the subtle points of the movies and try to top each other in seeing who could find the best ones. I am so excited to finally have my very own Han, lol.

4. Please tell us about your other guild/MMO experiences. If there is more than one guild/experience, please include all of them. If you left your last guild, please tell us why you decided to leave. If you have used more than one name, please list them all.*
Guild Name (Reason for leaving if applies):
-Game: World of Warcraft
-Name: Uzumati
-Level: 85
-Server: Lightbringer US
-Class: Druid Tank
-Race: Night Elf

Guild Name (Reason for leaving if applies):
-Game: WoW
-Name: Ül
-Level: 83
-Server: Lightbringer US
-Class: Death Knight
-Race: Human

Guild Name (Reason for leaving if applies):
-Game: WoW
-Name: Tevi
-Level: 85
-Server: Lightbringer US
-Class: Warlock
-Race: Human

Currently I am an officer in the guild Benevolence in WoW, and I play a tank class. A link to my armory in WoW on my main and main alt are follows:


Also here is a link to a video of me tanking in WoW:

I'm the Bear!

5. What type of role do you wish to take within the guild? How do you plan to be active? Please be specific.*
I am probably one of the best farmers I know of. I really enjoy accumulating wealth in games,and helping and supplying resources to my guild and friends, (and of course myself). Currently I am in a officer role in my current guild in WoW. I study combat logs to see what issues we are having within or raid environment, help recruit, and keep or active roster active and current. These are all roles I am willing and able to do for a guild.

6. Why do you feel the
Army of Light is a good fit for you?*

Obviously the size of the guild is great, which will make the game experience better at launch. Also, a good friend has joined this guild who I have been playing MMO's with for around 3 years now. His name is Caledor. I trust his decision to join you, and so I have also decided to do the same.

7. What do you expect of the guild? Please be specific.*

I expect active and friendly members. A willingness to progress and have fun doing it.

8. Age* (Must be 16+ - only truly exceptional Applications from sub-16 year olds will be considered):
I am 36 years old.

9. Time Zone:*
Central US time zone, but I work 2nd shift hours so I generally play online after 9 pm.

10.Role-Play experience/expectations. Can you give us some examples of Role-Playing you have participated in before. When it comes to expectations, give us an example of what would be fun to participate in, what you are looking for, etc.*
I played D&D for years as a kid. In WoW there hasn't been a really community for role play, so I am not too experienced in that arena. But, a balanced unique group working together in raid or dungeon environments acting out the roles would be alot of fun. My expectation would be not to be actively discussing the ball game while trying to act out a role play in a guild run.

11. How can you benefit and help the guild? Please include any skills or talents you have that you would enjoy doing within the guild. How have you helped your previous guild(s), if you have previous experience?*
Again, I am the main farmer for my guild. I generally spend around 10 hours a week or so farming mats for our raids. Potions, Flasks, Food, etc. Being a tank class in my current guild in WoW, I take that role to heart by trying to be available as often as possible to my guild to run them through instances to gear up folks and help them out. I feel this a duty as a officer and as a tank.

12. How do you define a quality member?*
Active, friendly, giving, and knowledgeable about their class/spec.

13. How did you find the
Army of Light? Did someone recruit you? If so, please let us know who.*
My friend Caledor directed me to this guild who he joined.

14a.Have you visited our website and chat room, and familiarized yourself with the, Charter, Mission Statement, and Rules of Conduct? (You must answer in the affirmative and please prove that you have)*
I have read the Charter, Mission Statement, and Rules of Conduct.
I agree to remain mature and respectful.

14b. Do you pledge to fulfill them, most notably to uphold the virtues of Maturity, Honor, Respect, Personal Ethics and No Drama?*
I agree to these virtues.

14c. The
Army of Light wishes to have members who take the concept of Commitment and Loyalty very seriously. By applying and if accepted, you are taking an Oath to both the guild and your guild-mates here. Is this something to which you can commit?
I can commit to both the guild and it's members.

15. Would you say that you embody the qualities of Respect, Honor, Loyalty, and Maturity? What are your definitions of these four words? Please don’t just answer yes or no, let us know why you think you possess these qualities.*

I am a Supervisor for a large Fortune 500 company, and as such, I have a duty to live by these qualities in managing a multi million dollar facility and it's associates. To remain fair, and yet expect better from my co-workers while always being willing to help them in their job, and make them better is what i do. I will always praise the good they do and yet will work with them on the weakness they may face, all while being respectful and kind. This is the best example of these qualities that I can give in my life today.

16. Tell us about a time you offered assistance to someone who did not ask for it but clearly needed it. If you have never had this experience, tell us what you would do if faced with that situation?

This morning I was practicing my DPS rotation on a dummy to try out some tweaks to my gear I made. Another player was standing next to me and had said out loud he/she was having problems, so I invited them to group with me and had a look over their gear and spec, and also had them do a rotation for me to see what the issues was. I gave them some advice on changing some talents around and to try a certain rotation, gave them some gear advice, and also offered them to be friends with me if they had any other issues.

17. Role-play Scenario (please tell us how you would handle the situation): You are leading a group of 3 others through a forest on a remote moon to destroy an enemy communications relay. Up ahead in a clearing, you happen to spot a small Sith camp. Your group has not yet been spotted by the enemy. You are reasonably well supplied for your mission, including armaments. The clearing containing the Sith camp is not necessarily in your direct path to reach your original mission objective. Attacking the camp could alert the guards at the relay. However, attacking the relay without first dealing with the camp could mean enemy reinforcements from the camp. What do you do?

I would argue to the group that not taking out the camp would jeopardize our mission at the relay station. Secretly I know that with a camp of Sith, there is bound to be very valuable objects of interest like weapons, gear, etc. The profit of these items is something I would not want to pass up. Since we are well supplied I know that we could take out the camp easily, and this would reduce the chances of alerting the base.

18. In more than 50 but less than 200 words, please describe your personal character and the type of person you are (We wish to get a good feel of the type of person that will be becoming a part
of our guild family - a very important question!)*
Very loyal, and very friendly person. Always willing to help out a person, and do what I can to help out a guild. I take commitments and obligations very seriously. I am also a very serious MMO player, who strives to be the best and push my guild to do the same. Never being the kind of player to be a mediocre, I tend to expect the same from the folks I run with. I joke alot with folks, and try to make light of frustrating problems and issues.

19. Tell us a little about your in-game character*
-Character Name: Uzu
-Character Physical/Mental Features: Scar across his right eye from a accident trying escape from a Imperial Frigate, (was "exploring" a shipping container and had a Booby Trap go off in my face). Witty and humorous guy with a panache for the "I'm gonna heal ya, but I'm not gonna let you forget why" kinda guy.
-Character Biography: Uzu was born on Ord Matell to a slave mother and a bounty hunter father. Not ever knowing his father but hearing what he did and seeing the other smugglers fly in and out of the shipyards, I always dreamed of getting off the planet. At 15, I stole a ship from a Jedi Consular, and nearly lost my life in the subsequent attempt to retrieve the ship. The Jedi took me from the planet and put my in service of the Alliance, and quickly learned from the other Smugglers who I met. Ever since i have made a point to help out my Jedi friends and Rebel Alliance.

20. What is your registered user name on*
Tevi is my registered user name.
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Jephos Mispir
High General
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Jephos Mispir

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Uzu's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Uzu's Application (Approved)   Uzu's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeTue Apr 12, 2011 2:21 pm

Greetings Uzu,

Your Application is now under review by the Recruitment Council. They will return a decision to you shortly, usually within 48 hours.

Thank you for your interest in The Army of Light.

Warmest regards,
Grand Master Jephos Mispir
Founder of The Army of Light

P.S.: If your friend Caledor known under any other names?
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Jando Vek
Sergeant Major
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Jando Vek

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PostSubject: Re: Uzu's Application (Approved)   Uzu's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeTue Apr 12, 2011 5:26 pm

Welcome Uzu.
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Join date : 2011-03-21
Posts : 2

Uzu's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Uzu's Application (Approved)   Uzu's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeWed Apr 13, 2011 2:04 am

Looks like Cale has joined the site but has yet to app with you guys. So I will be the trend setter here and will be the first of us to apply, Smile. There may be more to come...
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Coddy Lightcloud
Sergeant Major
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Coddy Lightcloud

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PostSubject: Re: Uzu's Application (Approved)   Uzu's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeWed Apr 13, 2011 4:56 am

Good luck! Although I would suggest customizing or changing your avatar as it would seem that there is another member that has the same I believe. But its just a suggestion. (Dont listen to me)
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Jephos Mispir
High General
High General
Jephos Mispir

Age : 43
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Name: Jephos Mispir
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PostSubject: Re: Uzu's Application (Approved)   Uzu's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeFri Apr 15, 2011 6:01 am

Greetings Uzu,

Your Application has been Approved.

Your next step upon the Path is to pass your Trial Membership.

You will need to:
- Post 15 meaningful posts on the Forums
- Post an Introduction of yourself (RP) on the Forums
- Create a registered Forums profile, complete with avatar
- Obtain an avatar for use in our Xat chats (primary room is our Citadel Chat)
- While in chat, make your name [AL]Mate Uzu
- Register with the guild on the SW:TOR site at

After you have been here a minimum of 1 week and have done the aforementioned, you must then interview with myself or Supreme Master Caliber Mispir to pass into Full Membership.

With that successfully completed, you will report to the acting Smuggler branch leader (Smuggler General John Shepard) for general class branch training and to General Bren Durron for Squadron/Platoon assignment. Squadrons will act as your home within your home and help acclimate you to guild life and try to answer any questions you may have.

Also, we foster an Open Door Policy here at the Army of Light. Should you ever have a question or difficulty, or simply need to talk over an issue, please send me a PM here on the Forums.

Best of luck to you.

Warmest regards,
Grand Master Jephos Mispir
Founder of the Army of Light
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Korvus Starlight
Korvus Starlight

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PostSubject: Re: Uzu's Application (Approved)   Uzu's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeFri Apr 15, 2011 7:11 am

Welcome to the AL Uzu.
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PostSubject: Re: Uzu's Application (Approved)   Uzu's Application (Approved) Icon_minitime

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