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 Alleairam's Application (Approved)

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Teran 'Tec' Bourne
Jephos Mispir
Von'dur Kelm
Cargus Andzap
Dagoph Kane
14 posters

Age : 59
Join date : 2011-07-15
Posts : 21
Location : Dayton, Ohio

Character Sheet
Name: Alleairam
Advanced Class: Seer

Alleairam's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Alleairam's Application (Approved)   Alleairam's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeFri Jul 15, 2011 2:36 am

Character Name (this will be your name on the
site and forums):*


2a. Primary Class (Jedi Consular, Jedi Knight,
Smuggler, or Trooper):*

Jedi Consular

2b. Advanced Class (if decided):*

3. Please describe your knowledge of Star Wars? The
more detailed the better, please: *

A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
well, not too far away, I had the pleasure of being the first in line to see
Star Wars (Episode IV) at our local theaters. I was only twelve back in
1977, but I was taken in, hook, line and sinker!

I became quite the addict, gathering as much Star Wars paraphernalia as my
meager allowance would buy. My favorite being the extensive blueprints of
R2D2. I continued the tradition, lining up early enough to be first for
Episode V and Episode VI as well.

By the time Episodes I, II, and III were released, I had children of my own to
bring into the saga. Although not as up to date on everything in the Star
Wars universe as I was at that age, I am still fairly knowledgeable about the
entire story line, from the chronological discovery of young Anakin Sywalker,
in Episode I to his redemption in Episode VI.

4. Please tell us about your other guild/MMO
experiences. If there is more than one guild/experience, please include all of
them. If you left your last guild, please tell us why you decided to leave. If
you have used more than one name, please list them all.*

If accepted, this would be my first guild
experience. My brother and I usually play many MMOs together, but I do not
believe he will be joining in this one. I figured this would be a perfect
opportunity to try joining a guild.

I have played World of Warcraft, Rift, Eve, and City of Heroes/Villains, as
well as many non-MMOs, too numerous to list. I primarily prefer playing
support characters/archetypes/classes, and will often join groups if I am
fortunate to have my dear spouse take my children elsewhere, but if I feel I do
not have a good block of uninterrupted time, i usually stick with solo play.

5. What type of role do you wish to take within the
guild? How do you plan to be active? Please be specific.*

I work from home, and at night. This allows
for fairly consistent play time and duration. I am an extremely patient
player. I have no interest in power leveling, or rising through the ranks
of a guild at some exponential rate. I would take whatever role was
granted, and be an example to others of what it takes to eat, drink, and
breathe that role until my masters felt I had earned a promotion. As the
old saying goes, not everyone can be a chief, you have got to have some

6. Why do you feel the Army of Light is a good fit
for you?*

From what little research I have done, this guild
appears to exude both organization and maturity. If I want to spend all
my time playing with whining children, I would play with my own. (Although they
don't whine like the online gamers I seem to encounter all too often). I
tend to gravitate to the good or heroic factions, and this guild just stood out
to me.

7. What do you expect of the guild? Please be

I expect the guild to understand that while I will
truly do my best to be active, and uphold the duties of my rank, and follow the
teachings of my masters, that I do have a real life which will always take
priority of gaming. I will not tell my children that I cannot help them
with their homework because I am in the middle of a raid, as an example.

8. Age* (Must be 16+):
At the time of this writing, I am 46 years of age.

9. Time Zone:*
GMT - 5 (EST)

10.Role-Play experience/expectations. Can you give
us some examples of Role-Playing you have participated in before. When it comes
to expectations, give us an example of what would be fun to participate in,
what you are looking for, etc.*

My preference in role-playing is tabletop
RPs. I was playing AD&D when it was just D&D, and in its 1st
edition. I can make the adjustment to online RP of course, and once in
character, will remain there for as long as need be, or until RL calls me
away. I enjoy role-playing mostly when others are disciplined enough not
to allow non-universal slang and other such dialogue to slip in.

11. How can you benefit and help the guild? Please
include any skills or talents you have that you would enjoy doing within the
guild. How have you helped your previous guild(s), if you have previous

One problem I have always had in other MMO's has to
do with games that have an element of crafting in them. What good is it
to become a master of a craft, and have no one to craft for? As a member
of a guild, i would look forward to performing task which the guild feels are
necessary. To me, it is simply a new element to a game that I would not
be able to otherwise enjoy. I usually solo craft, quest, hunt, or
whatever, but now, as part of a guild, additional avenues of playing enjoyment
would be open to me.

12. How do you define a quality member?*
Simply put, a quality member is one who goes above
and beyond to fulfill the duties asked for by the guild. In other words,
if role-playing is requested, then play in character. If activity is
requested, then be active. If asked to assist others of lower level or
rank, then do so with enthusiasm! Don't take from the guild without
giving back.

13. How did you find the Army of Light? Did someone
recruit you? If so, please let us know who.*

Guild searching. I was not referred.

14a.Have you visited our website and chat room, and
familiarized yourself with the, Charter, Mission Statement, and Rules of
Conduct? (You must answer in the affirmative and please prove that you have)*


14b. Do you pledge to fulfill them, most notably to
uphold the virtues of Maturity, Honor, Respect, Personal Ethics and No Drama?*


14c. The Army of Light wishes to have members who
take the concept of Commitment and Loyalty very seriously. By applying and if
accepted, you are taking an Oath to both the guild and your guild-mates here.
Is this something to which you can commit?


15. Would you say that you embody the qualities of
Respect, Honor, Loyalty, and Maturity? What are your definitions of these four
words? Please don’t just answer yes or no, let us know why you think you
possess these qualities.*

It would be better for my children to answer this
question. How does one become a successful parent without instilling in
their children the true meaning of Respect, Honor, Loyalty, and Maturity, as
well as a host of other traits, like Integrity, Assertiveness, and so on.
To try and capture this in such a short amount of space is nearly impossible.

16. Tell us about a time you offered assistance to
someone who did not ask for it but clearly needed it. If you have never had
this experience, tell us what you would do if faced with that situation?

I do this on a daily basis. In fact, this
question is closely coupled with the previous question. I demonstrate the
qualities listed previously by showing respect to everyone I meet or work
with. I honor and respect and am loyal to those who earn it.

17. Role-play Scenario (please tell us how you
would handle the situation): You are leading a group of 3 others through a
forest on a remote moon to destroy an enemy communications relay. Up ahead in a
clearing, you happen to spot a small Sith camp. Your group has not yet been
spotted by the enemy. You are reasonably well supplied for your mission,
including armaments. The clearing containing the Sith camp is not necessarily
in your direct path to reach your original mission objective. Attacking the
camp could alert the guards at the relay. However, attacking the relay without
first dealing with the camp could mean enemy reinforcements from the camp. What
do you do?

Based on the few details of the scenario presented,
I would assume if my team is capable of taking out a relay station, then we
would also be able to handle a small Sith camp. Bypassing the camp would
be a mistake. We wouldn't want to risk fighting on two fronts or facing
reinforcements that we had a chance to not have called down on our
position. We also wouldn't want other teams in the area to run into a small
camp we should have wiped out on our own. The correct move would be to
remove the threat at the camp, at the risk of alerting the relay station.

18. In more than 50 but less than 200 words, please
describe your personal character and the type of person you are (We wish to get
a good feel of the type of person that will be becoming a part of our guild
family - a very important question!)*

I am a hard working individual, meticulous to a
fault, and always eager to assist others. I am exceedingly patient, which
means you would be getting someone who finds joy in helping others. I am
respected both at and away from work for the integrity of my personal
character. People know what I stand for and know they can count on me to
stand up for what I believe in. But, the most important thing to me is my
family loves me for who I am, and nothing is more important to me than that.

19. Tell us a little about your in-game character*
-Character Name: Alleairam Ynoxsom
-Character Physical/Mental Features: Although I am leaning towards a female character, until I
have a greater feel for the character generation in the game, this is tough to
comment on. In many games, I play either gender, any race, and am willing
to try most character archetypes, preferring the support roles most. So,
I imagine my physical/mental traits would demonstrate this.

-Character Biography: At this time, I will list the major milestones in my
timeline, choosing to reveal the details over time.

My father, Oinger Ynoxsom was a space trader along the Hydian Way, transporting goods from the colonies on the rim into the core worlds. My mother died during complications of childbirth of my younger sister, Elibag. It was a fairly boring life, spending most of my time with my younger sister aboard our small ship. We often flew the trade lanes alone, or in
small convoys for additional protection.

Unfortunately, at Age 6, our convoy was captured by the Mandalorians. (From a Galactic Timeline perspective, this was around BTC 14 when the Mandalorians started to grow again in power.)

My father was forced to join their navy, as were most seasoned pilots, and my sister and I were placed with a foster family aboard a medical frigate. Families were separated to break children’s spirit, and ease the bonding of the children to the new foster families. I never saw my Father again.

For the next seven years, Eli and I were raised as Mandalorians, learning their ways. We were both taught to fight as all the children were, but poor Eli never really took to it like I did. Writing was her love, and she showed more of an affinity with the scholars and historians. For me, it was all about the gladiatorial combats.

It was during this period that my first signs of the force began to emerge, but I kept this knowledge hidden from everyone including my sister. The Mandalorians felt I simply had a way with healing. Bones seemed to knit back together better and stronger. Cuts, bruises and abrasions faded more quickly under my care, but they never suspected this may have been a result of my use of the Force.

In BTC 7, at Age 13, the Mandalorian Blockade was broken. Eli and I were rescued, if it could be called that, by the smugglers. The freedom was short-lived, as the Hutt Cartel took vengeance on the double-crossing smuggler’s, and wiped many of them out. Eli escaped to Alderaan, but I was taken by the Hutt Cartel to Tatooine, to continue working as a medic both on Tatooine, and aboard ships traveling back and forth to Nar Shaddaa.

Over the next five years, I was exposed to a world of organized crime and smuggling, and the seeds of escape were

Finally, at Age 20 (BTC 0), I was able to stow away aboard a colony ship bound for Taris, and now am assisting with the
efforts to once again colonize the planet 300 years after the Sith destroyed it.

(It is at this point that I
imagine I will begin my adventures in SWTOR)

20. What is your registered user name on* (Please note that you should have applied at our Guild HQ as a part
of this Application process by this point.)

BlackPlagueTM (a name I have used for years based
on the board game Risk, but that is a story for another time.)

Last edited by Alleairam on Fri Jul 15, 2011 8:12 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Dagoph Kane
Dagoph Kane

Age : 28
Join date : 2011-07-13
Posts : 28
Location : Oregon

Character Sheet
Name: Dagoph Kane
Advanced Class: Guardian
RP Title: Initiate

Alleairam's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alleairam's Application (Approved)   Alleairam's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeFri Jul 15, 2011 2:44 am

Nice application, good luck!
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Age : 51
Join date : 2011-05-04
Posts : 317
Location : Baltimore, MD

Character Sheet
Name: Gole Liath
Advanced Class: Shadow
RP Title: Jedi Knight

Alleairam's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alleairam's Application (Approved)   Alleairam's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeFri Jul 15, 2011 7:37 am

Hey Alleairam, nice app, you definitely put some time and effort into it.

Good luck!!
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Cargus Andzap
Private First Class
Private First Class
Cargus Andzap

Age : 39
Join date : 2011-05-25
Posts : 236
Location : Army of Light Temple - Epsilon Squad quarters

Character Sheet
Name: Cargus Andzap
Advanced Class: Jedi Knight - Guardian
RP Title: Padwan

Alleairam's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alleairam's Application (Approved)   Alleairam's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeFri Jul 15, 2011 8:52 am

Good Luck!
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Age : 47
Join date : 2011-07-15
Posts : 76
Location : Abilene, Tx.

Character Sheet
Name: QuanZen
Advanced Class: Shadow
RP Title: Zen

Alleairam's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alleairam's Application (Approved)   Alleairam's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeFri Jul 15, 2011 11:54 pm

The bio was a great read and well done. I too have an application pending. Good luck to us both.
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Von'dur Kelm
Von'dur Kelm

Age : 32
Join date : 2011-07-05
Posts : 51

Character Sheet
Name: Von'dur Kelm
Advanced Class: Jedi Knight-Guardian
RP Title: 4

Alleairam's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alleairam's Application (Approved)   Alleairam's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSat Jul 16, 2011 2:19 am

Epic bio! Welcome to the Army of Light! Smile
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Jephos Mispir
High General
High General
Jephos Mispir

Age : 43
Join date : 2010-12-19
Posts : 672
Location : Pennsylvania, USA

Character Sheet
Name: Jephos Mispir
Advanced Class: Sage
RP Title: Grand Master

Alleairam's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alleairam's Application (Approved)   Alleairam's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSat Jul 16, 2011 7:02 am

Greetings Alleairam,

Your Application is now Under Review by the Recruitment Council. You will receive a reply shortly, usually within the next 48-72 hours.

Thank you for your interest in The Army of Light.

Warmest regards,
High General Jephos Mispir
Founder of The Army of Light
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Private First Class
Private First Class

Age : 33
Join date : 2011-06-28
Posts : 56
Location : UK

Character Sheet
Name: Areus
Advanced Class: Jedi Guardian
RP Title: Padawan

Alleairam's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alleairam's Application (Approved)   Alleairam's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSat Jul 16, 2011 7:28 am

Nice app, Good luck
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Teran 'Tec' Bourne
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major
Teran 'Tec' Bourne

Join date : 2011-03-12
Posts : 148
Location : Aussie Aussie Aussie oi oi oi

Character Sheet
Name: Teran 'Tec' Bourne
Advanced Class: Consular - Sage
RP Title: Knight - Sgt.Mjr

Alleairam's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alleairam's Application (Approved)   Alleairam's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSat Jul 16, 2011 8:12 am

Great app, I'm sure you'll be within our ranks soon enough!
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Private First Class
Private First Class

Age : 30
Join date : 2011-07-06
Posts : 213
Location : Tython

Character Sheet
Name: Maverick Xinn
Advanced Class: Shadow
RP Title: padawan

Alleairam's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alleairam's Application (Approved)   Alleairam's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSat Jul 16, 2011 8:34 am

Good luck to you! Smile
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Jephos Mispir
High General
High General
Jephos Mispir

Age : 43
Join date : 2010-12-19
Posts : 672
Location : Pennsylvania, USA

Character Sheet
Name: Jephos Mispir
Advanced Class: Sage
RP Title: Grand Master

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PostSubject: Re: Alleairam's Application (Approved)   Alleairam's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSat Jul 16, 2011 9:00 pm

Greetings Alleairam,

Your Application has been Approved.

Your next step upon the Path is to pass your Trial Membership.

You will need to:
- Post 15 meaningful posts on the Forums
- Post an Introduction of yourself (RP) on the Forums
- Create a registered Forums profile, complete with avatar and SW:TOR contact name
- Obtain an avatar for use in our Xat chats (primary room is our Citadel Chat)
- While in chat, make your name [AL]Recruit Alleairam
- Re-familiarize yourself with the Guild Rules, with emphasis on Core Values and RP atmosphere
- Register with the guild on the SW:TOR site at

After you have stayed in the guild for 1 week minimum and accomplished the tasks mentioned before, please speak to me regarding your interview for Full Membership.

Once that has been accomplished, you may report to the Jedi branch leader, General Shoja Fodun, for training. Contact Commander Korvus Starlight for squad/platoon/company assignment.

In addition, we foster an Open Door Policy here at The Army of Light. Should you ever have a question or difficulty, or simply need to talk over an issue, please send me a PM here on the Forums.

Warmest regards,
High General Jephos Mispir
Founder of The Army of Light
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Age : 39
Join date : 2011-07-06
Posts : 54
Location : Tampa, FL

Character Sheet
Name: Ballard
Advanced Class: Commando
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Alleairam's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alleairam's Application (Approved)   Alleairam's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSat Jul 16, 2011 9:08 pm

Welcome to The Army.
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Age : 59
Join date : 2011-07-15
Posts : 21
Location : Dayton, Ohio

Character Sheet
Name: Alleairam
Advanced Class: Seer

Alleairam's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alleairam's Application (Approved)   Alleairam's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSat Jul 16, 2011 9:42 pm

Thank you High General Mispir. I will stow my gear and report for duty immediately!
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Private First Class
Private First Class

Age : 30
Join date : 2011-07-06
Posts : 213
Location : Tython

Character Sheet
Name: Maverick Xinn
Advanced Class: Shadow
RP Title: padawan

Alleairam's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alleairam's Application (Approved)   Alleairam's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSat Jul 16, 2011 9:54 pm

Welcome Alleairam! Smile
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Age : 47
Join date : 2011-07-15
Posts : 76
Location : Abilene, Tx.

Character Sheet
Name: QuanZen
Advanced Class: Shadow
RP Title: Zen

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PostSubject: Re: Alleairam's Application (Approved)   Alleairam's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSat Jul 16, 2011 9:57 pm

We made it!! Congrats!! cheers
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Mike J Scott
Private First Class
Private First Class
Mike J Scott

Age : 29
Join date : 2011-06-07
Posts : 103
Location : USA

Character Sheet
Name: M_J_Scott
Advanced Class: Vanguard
RP Title: 4

Alleairam's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alleairam's Application (Approved)   Alleairam's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSat Jul 16, 2011 10:34 pm

Very well done! good App, and congratz!
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Korvus Starlight
Korvus Starlight

Age : 34
Join date : 2010-12-29
Posts : 1359
Location : Tython

Character Sheet
Name: Korvus Starlight
Advanced Class: Sentinel
RP Title: Master

Alleairam's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alleairam's Application (Approved)   Alleairam's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSun Jul 17, 2011 2:31 am

Welcome into the AL.
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Private First Class
Private First Class

Age : 33
Join date : 2011-06-28
Posts : 56
Location : UK

Character Sheet
Name: Areus
Advanced Class: Jedi Guardian
RP Title: Padawan

Alleairam's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alleairam's Application (Approved)   Alleairam's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSun Jul 17, 2011 7:04 am

Congrats welcome to AL
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Coddy Lightcloud
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major
Coddy Lightcloud

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Name: Coddy Lightcloud
Advanced Class: Jedi Sage
RP Title: Jedi Knight

Alleairam's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alleairam's Application (Approved)   Alleairam's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeTue Jul 19, 2011 6:33 am

I am very late but Congrats!!
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Age : 51
Join date : 2011-05-04
Posts : 317
Location : Baltimore, MD

Character Sheet
Name: Gole Liath
Advanced Class: Shadow
RP Title: Jedi Knight

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PostSubject: Re: Alleairam's Application (Approved)   Alleairam's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeTue Jul 19, 2011 7:35 am

Congratulations Alleairam, and welcome to the Army of Light!
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PostSubject: Re: Alleairam's Application (Approved)   Alleairam's Application (Approved) Icon_minitime

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