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 Arolas's Application (Approved)

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Teran 'Tec' Bourne
6 posters
Teran 'Tec' Bourne
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major
Teran 'Tec' Bourne

Join date : 2011-03-12
Posts : 148
Location : Aussie Aussie Aussie oi oi oi

Character Sheet
Name: Teran 'Tec' Bourne
Advanced Class: Consular - Sage
RP Title: Knight - Sgt.Mjr

Arolas's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Arolas's Application (Approved)   Arolas's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 1:02 am


1. Name: Arolas, not sure if you wanted my character's name or my real name haha. Character's name is subject to change. I just use Arolas as a name for every forum, site or what ever else requires a name.

2. Class: Jedi Consular or Jedi Knight

3. Please describe your knowledge of Star Wars? The more detailed the better, please: I have been a fanboy of SW since I saw my first movie in the cinemas, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. I have played KoToR 1 & 2, episode 1 on playstation, clone wars, and many others. I've read some books in the SW universe, and that should be enough. Smile

4. Please tell us about your other guild/MMO experiences. If there is more than one guild/experience, please include all of them. If you left your last guild, please tell us why you decided to leave. If you have used more than one name, please list them all.*
Guild Name (Reason for leaving if applies):

Well my main MMO game that i have played has been WoW, and there would be no way i could tell you all the guilds that i have been in.
-Game: WoW
-Name: Nightshift (I stayed with this guild until i rerolled onto another server to go Horde)
-Level: 1-70
-Server: Gorefiend
-Class: Hunter
-Race: Night Elf

-Game: WoW
-Name: Predate
-Level: 1-70
-Server: Barthilas
-Class: Druid
-Race: Tauren

-Game: WoW
-Name: Wrath of the Horde
-Level: 70-85
-Server: Barthilas
-Class: Druid
-Race: Tauren

There are many, many others and there is no possible way to list them all with all my different characters.

5. What type of role do you wish to take within the guild? How do you plan to be active? Please be specific: Well depending on how the class I choose plays I may be a healer, or a may be dps. More guild specific though, I am very helpful and in my hardcore WoW guilds I have been Class Officer as well as Raid Leader. And I am a pretty active gamer.

6. Why do you feel the Army of Light is a good fit for you? Well it's RP and I would like to try RP out. Your not listed as a hardcore guild, which is great since i never want to be a hardcore raider again.

7. What do you expect of the guild? Please be specific: Friendliness and talkative

8. Age= 20
9. Time Zone: GMT + 10, Oceanic, Australia

10.Role-Play experience/expectations. Can you give us some examples of Role-Playing you have participated in before. When it comes to expectations, give us an example of what would be fun to participate in, what you are looking for, etc.*
Well i have very little RP experience, but SW:TOR seems like the kind of game to be part of the RP. I think it would be fun just doing role-playing.

11. How can you benefit and help the guild? Please include any skills or talents you have that you would
enjoy doing within the guild. How have you helped your previous guild(s), if you have previous experience?
Well as i stated above, in my old hardcore guild i have been officer, raid leader, and helpful.

12. How do you define a quality member? Someone that's fun to talk to, but isn't a complete ass.

13. How did you find the Army of Light? Did someone recruit you? If so, please let us know who. SWTOR guild HQ

14a.Have you visited our website and chat room, and familiarized yourself with the, Charter, Mission Statement, and Rules of Conduct? (You must answer in the affirmative and please prove that you have)* TBH no, but really.. who does that before applying? I read what was on the SW guild HQ guild site. But really it is just simple common sense to be polite and kind and to not 'attack' people.

14b. Do you pledge to fulfill them, most notably to uphold the virtues of Maturity, Honor, Respect, Personal Ethics and No Drama? I won't be an ass, unless there happens to be a time for it (fun-wise), but not to offend.

15. Would you say that you embody the qualities of Respect, Honor, Loyalty, and Maturity? What are your definitions of these four words? Please don’t just answer yes or no, let us know why you think you possess these qualities.
Yes i Am respectful, I take into account that things affect people.
I have honor, I don't do things that are morally wrong.
Loyalty is a big part of my life, nothing pisses my off more than disloyalty, (but this doesn't exactly apply to the game beyond not leaving a great guild).
Yeah I'm mature, unless my guildies have a sense of humor and I can acceptably be an ass at time.

16. In more than 30 but less than 100 words, please describe your personal character and the type of person you are (We wish to get a good feel of the type of person that will be becoming a part
of our guild family)*

I think I am a great person. I'm fun to talk to and can be funny. I'm Australian and that's always a plus, on voice chat. (cultural diversity Razz) An example of me being so likeable, and this is true and really did happen. In my first great guild Nightshift, I had a person actually come to Australia from America to visit me (She was on her honeymoon but still). Her and her husband visited me and a few other aussies that were in the guild.

17. Tell us a little about your in-game character*
-Character Name: Arolas
-Character Physical/Mental Features: Muscular, and ruggedly good looking.
-Character Biography:
After The Sith Empire attacked and the republic went to war, Arolas was one of the few Jedi to support war and went against the council's decisions and left to fight with the republic. Being accepted into the order at an older age, unlike most others, Arolas developed, to the dismay of the council, an outsider's view on many of the Order's rules and challenged many of them. Arolas became a highly regarded commander and lead many successful skirmishes against the republic. Arolas fought mainly on the planet Alderaan.
After the fall of Alderaan Arolas left the planet with a few elite forces to bring the fight to the Empire elsewhere. Though proud of his choses to defy his order he wished many times that his old master would have come with him.
Upon fighting for many weeks on a new planet that had fallen under Empire control, Arolas was the sole survivor of a costly but successful attack on a heavily guarded Sith outpost. Now he is searching for new allies to continue his retribution.

Very Happy Not half bad considering i made it up as I typed haha Smile On a side not, I am hoping people in this guild are nice and fun to talk to. I say this because after i rerolled from Gorefiend to Barthilas, Nightshift broke up soon after, and I have never in 3 and 1/2 year of playing WoW after that have I found a guild as great as them.

Last edited by Master Jephos Mispir on Sat Mar 12, 2011 2:33 pm; edited 5 times in total (Reason for editing : fixed a couple of mistakes that i found. and made it easier to read.)
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Age : 33
Join date : 2011-03-10
Posts : 42
Location : Nevada

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Name: Biwtiful
Advanced Class: Jedi Knight
RP Title: 4

Arolas's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arolas's Application (Approved)   Arolas's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 1:24 am

hello arolas!, thanking for your interest in [AL]

Good luck on getting in!

it may not be my place, but just letting you know
you should fill out your answer more completely and not just simple short answer!
so that way the GrandMaster will know what kind of a person you are and if you will fit
into the guild's family
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Arolas's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arolas's Application (Approved)   Arolas's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 1:28 am

Welcome Arolas. It's good to see another Jedi Knight or Consular Very Happy
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Arolas's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arolas's Application (Approved)   Arolas's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 3:00 am

Good luck with your application Arolas Very Happy I think you will like AL, fun guild, very diverse and very knowledgable folks re: Star Wars.

Hope to see "Approval" after your app soon Very Happy

Have a great day...Rha
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Teran 'Tec' Bourne
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major
Teran 'Tec' Bourne

Join date : 2011-03-12
Posts : 148
Location : Aussie Aussie Aussie oi oi oi

Character Sheet
Name: Teran 'Tec' Bourne
Advanced Class: Consular - Sage
RP Title: Knight - Sgt.Mjr

Arolas's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arolas's Application (Approved)   Arolas's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 3:36 am

Thanks for the votes of confidence Very Happy haha. hopefully I'll join you all within the ranks of the guild.

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Ermac Scorpion
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Ermac Scorpion

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PostSubject: Re: Arolas's Application (Approved)   Arolas's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 8:51 am

good luck mate
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Arolas's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arolas's Application (Approved)   Arolas's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 1:05 pm

Australia? Awesome! I think your the first Aussie to sign up.

I hope you get in mate.
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Tal Core Starknite
Tal Core Starknite

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Posts : 466
Location : Where the the week need strength, and a friend needs help

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Advanced Class: Jedi Knight
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Arolas's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arolas's Application (Approved)   Arolas's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 1:22 pm

Sweet, another Jedi. Hope you make it, see you around
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Jephos Mispir
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Jephos Mispir

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PostSubject: Re: Arolas's Application (Approved)   Arolas's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 2:32 pm

Greetings Arolas,

Your Application has been Approved.

The next step is to pass your Trial Membership.

You will need to:
- Post 15 meaningful posts on the Forums
- Post an Introduction of yourself (RP) on the Forums
- Create a registered Forums profile, complete with avatar
- Obtain an avatar for use in our xat chats
- While in chat, make your name [AL]Initiate Arolas
- Register with the guild on the SW:TOR site at (if you use a different TOR name then what you are known by here, please let the GM know)

After you have been here 1 week and have done the aforementioned, you
must then interview with myself or Supreme Master Caliber Mispir to pass
into Full Membership.
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Tal Core Starknite
Tal Core Starknite

Age : 29
Join date : 2011-03-07
Posts : 466
Location : Where the the week need strength, and a friend needs help

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Name: Tal Core Starknite
Advanced Class: Jedi Knight
RP Title: 4

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PostSubject: Re: Arolas's Application (Approved)   Arolas's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 4:20 pm

Excellent. Now Arolas is one of us!

(Now the real fun starts)
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Coddy Lightcloud
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Coddy Lightcloud

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PostSubject: Re: Arolas's Application (Approved)   Arolas's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 5:13 pm

Congratulations Arolas. Good to see an Ozzie in the guild. Im from NZ.
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Teran 'Tec' Bourne
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major
Teran 'Tec' Bourne

Join date : 2011-03-12
Posts : 148
Location : Aussie Aussie Aussie oi oi oi

Character Sheet
Name: Teran 'Tec' Bourne
Advanced Class: Consular - Sage
RP Title: Knight - Sgt.Mjr

Arolas's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arolas's Application (Approved)   Arolas's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSun Mar 13, 2011 12:14 am

Awesome! Thanks guyz! I'm glad to be a part of this guild. Very Happy
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Arolas's Application (Approved) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arolas's Application (Approved)   Arolas's Application (Approved) Icon_minitimeSun Mar 13, 2011 12:44 am

Welcome to the guild Arolas...and please disregard the PM I just sent you re: submitting your application on our site...wires crossed, lol...

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PostSubject: Re: Arolas's Application (Approved)   Arolas's Application (Approved) Icon_minitime

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