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 Application - Enzo (Declined)

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Application - Enzo (Declined) Empty
PostSubject: Application - Enzo (Declined)   Application - Enzo (Declined) Icon_minitimeWed Dec 29, 2010 9:05 pm


1. Character Name (this will be your name on the site and forums):*: Enzo

2. Class (Jedi Consular, Jedi Knight, Smuggler, or Trooper):* Smuggler

3. Please describe your knowledge of Star Wars? The more detailed the better, please: * :

I watched all the movies, played a lot of the games, and i've been in the swtor community for awhile now. I love star wars, one of my favorite things. I know how the Jedi are, the jedi code, i know how the sith are, and there code. I know a lot of SW info.

4. Please tell us about your other guild/MMO experiences. If there is more than one guild/experience, please include all of them. If you left your last guild, please tell us why you decided to leave. If you have used more than one name, please list them all.*

Guild Name (Reason for leaving if applies): WH,AR,RSF,SoV,and this one [All SW:TOR guilds] WH - didnt work out, the guild hasnt started when i left. AR- guild died awhile back. RSF-did not enjoy time in it, SoV- merged with another guild, and i left because of the major change in leadership. AL- it was before it was really going, and for some reason i felt i'd be better in SoV. I was wrong

Application - Enzo (Declined) Empty

Application - Enzo (Declined) Forumthumbnail2Subject: Enzo's application (Under Review) Application - Enzo (Declined) EmptyYesterday at 12:45 am


1. Character Name (this will be your name on the site and forums):*: Enzo

2. Class (Jedi Consular, Jedi Knight, Smuggler, or Trooper):* Smuggler

3. Please describe your knowledge of Star Wars? The more detailed the better, please: * :

I watched all the movies, played a lot of the games, and i've been in the swtor community for awhile now. I love star wars, one of my favorite things. I know how the Jedi are, the jedi code, i know how the sith are, and there code. I know a lot of SW info.

4. Please tell us about your other guild/MMO experiences. If there is more than one guild/experience, please include all of them. If you left your last guild, please tell us why you decided to leave. If you have used more than one name, please list them all.*

Guild Name (Reason for leaving if applies): WH,AR,RSF,SoV,and this one [All SW:TOR guilds] WH - didnt work out, the guild hasnt started when i left. AR- guild died awhile back. RSF-did not enjoy time in it, SoV- merged with another guild, and i left because of the major change in leadership. AL- it was before it was really going, and for some reason i felt i'd be better in SoV. I was wrong

(Other MMO games played)

-Game: SW:Galaxies
-Level: 55
-Server: Bria
-Class: Commando
-Race: human

5. What type of role do you wish to take within the guild? How do you plan to be active? Please be specific.* I'm always online and i'll be happy to do what ever the AL wishes me to do.

6. Why do you feel the Army of Light is a good fit for you?*: It has a good system unlike the other guilds i've been in and has a nice set and great members and leaders.

7. What do you expect of the guild? Please be specific.* Nothing but a good time and a few good RPs

8. Age:*19

9. Time Zone:* Central time (US & Canada)

10. Role-Play experience/expectations. Can you give us some examples of Role-Playing you have participated in before. When it comes to expectations, give us an example of what would be fun to participate in, what you are looking for, etc.* : I would like to participate in any chat or forum RP if it interest me, im sure it will though. I've been in rp's with many people on a battlefield, against one person and well a lot of them, one time me and my friends rp'ed the SW:TOR Hope and Decieved trailers. i'm just looking for a good time with rp. Casual RP, one RP me and Grizz started when I used to be in AL before was the Rakghouls RP, he can comfirm it.

(Other MMO games played)

-Game: SW:Galaxies
-Level: 55
-Server: Bria
-Class: Commando
-Race: human

5. What type of role do you wish to take within the guild? How do you plan to be active? Please be specific.* I'm always online and i'll be happy to do what ever the AL wishes me to do.

6. Why do you feel the Army of Light is a good fit for you?*: It has a good system unlike the other guilds i've been in and has a nice set and great members and leaders.

7. What do you expect of the guild? Please be specific.* Nothing but a good time and a few good RPs

8. Age:*19

9. Time Zone:* Central time (US & Canada)

10. Role-Play experience/expectations. Can you give us some examples of Role-Playing you have participated in before. When it comes to expectations, give us an example of what would be fun to participate in, what you are looking for, etc.* : I would like to participate in any chat or forum RP if it interest me, im sure it will though. I've been in rp's with many people on a battlefield, against one person and well a lot of them, one time me and my friends rp'ed the SW:TOR Hope and Decieved trailers. i'm just looking for a good time with rp. Casual RP, one RP me and Grizz started when I used to be in AL before was the Rakghouls RP, he can comfirm it.

11. How can you benefit and help the guild? Please include any skills or talents you have that you would enjoy doing within the guild. How have you helped your previous guild(s), if you have previous experience?*:

In my previous guilds i would normaly make the sites, however it would only be a webs or guildlaunch. but i am getting photoshop soon, so i'd be happy to make members or guild anything they want, though they already have someone for that. You'd just have another to help out i guess. I will also be a active member

12. How do you define a quality member?*: active,loyal,respectful to guild members/leaders and to other guilds.

13. How did you find the Army of Light? Did someone recruit you? If so, please let us know who.*:

I've been around AL before,and i talk to AL members often, i just feel i should join

14a. Have you visited our website and chat room, and familiarized yourself with the, Charter, Mission Statement, and Rules of Conduct? (You must answer in the affirmative and please prove that you have)* :

I've been on every AL site, old and current. i've been in chats before and i know the rules, however due to the the belief of me being a ''RSF Recruiter'' (And I am not, nor was) i have been banned while in RSF, along with the entire RSF. so thats a Yes, i know the rules and conduct, and i swear to be active and the ideal member of the guild to better it.

14b. Do you pledge to fulfill them, most notably to uphold the virtues of Maturity, Honor, Respect, Personal Ethics and No Drama?* :

I do. I swear i will respect all,show no drama or cause it, be mature at all times, and show the honor to be an AL member

15. Would you say that you embody the qualities of Respect, Honor, Loyalty, and Maturity? What are your definitions of these four words? Please don’t just answer yes or no, let us know why you think you possess these qualities.* :

I would say that most of the time i do, though sometimes i do need to be reminded, but thats human. Respect- Do not disobey orders, follow rules, do not hate on anyone for religion,race,gender, or anything else. Honor- Show that your proid to be a member by doing everything you can to make it better. Loyalty- Report anything of importance to respectful leader, follow orders, do what i must to make guild better and to have a more enjoyable experience for everyone. Maturity- Act age, no drama, again show respect for all and everything

16. In more than 30 but less than 100 words, please describe your personal character and the type of person you are (We wish to get a good feel of the type of person that will be becoming a part of our guild family)*:

Well i'm the type of person who feels that i should do anything to make the guild better. i'll do anything my leaders tell me to do, and i'll respect everyone and everything around me.

17. Tell us a little about your in-game character*
-Character Name: Enzo
-Character Physical/Mental Features: Sly,Slim,tall and respectful
-Character Biography: as a child growing up on Naboo in a rich,noble and well-respected family, everything i wanted was handed right to me, and people liked me for my parents hard work.I didnt like this, so when i turned 18 I left Naboo and became a smuggler.Serving the Republic, aiding those in need,i've made a good career for myself, and i'm now well-respected for the things i've done.25 years old, a smuggler for the republic,i've worked hard, and will continue to do so.

([And here is that RP me and Grizz made awhile back : posted it incase it helps any.])

(This Application can also be seen at the old forums, posted on December 28th, at 12:45 am, listed as Under Review)
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Application - Enzo (Declined) Empty
PostSubject: reply   Application - Enzo (Declined) Icon_minitimeWed Dec 29, 2010 9:06 pm

and i dont know what happend up there, but its still readable
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Application - Enzo (Declined) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application - Enzo (Declined)   Application - Enzo (Declined) Icon_minitimeWed Dec 29, 2010 9:14 pm here.. lol
this should help if this one is too messed up.
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Application - Enzo (Declined) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application - Enzo (Declined)   Application - Enzo (Declined) Icon_minitimeSat Jan 01, 2011 3:45 pm

Thank you for your interest in the Army of Light. The Recruitment Council is currently reviewing and will get back to you. Thank you.
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Application - Enzo (Declined) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application - Enzo (Declined)   Application - Enzo (Declined) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 03, 2011 6:04 pm

Upon review of your application by the Recruitment Council as well as the Grand Master, we have chosen to deny your application. We felt it was good we part ways and move on. We do wish you very good luck in the next guild you join and hope to see you in game in the future. May the force be with you.
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Application - Enzo (Declined) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application - Enzo (Declined)   Application - Enzo (Declined) Icon_minitime

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