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 Xendor's Application (Declined)

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Rowan Khan
Teran 'Tec' Bourne
Coddy Lightcloud
Ludwig VanCover
Jando Vek
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Xendor's Application (Declined) Empty
PostSubject: Xendor's Application (Declined)   Xendor's Application (Declined) Icon_minitimeSun Apr 10, 2011 8:29 pm


1. Character Name (this will be your name on the site and forums):*LordXendor

2. Class (Jedi Consular, Jedi Knight, Smuggler, or Trooper):*Jedi Knight

3. Please describe your knowledge of Star Wars? The more detailed the better, please: *I know all about star wars.(Being told to elaborate lol) I am a big star wars fan. A geek at it if you will. I usually read up on books or mostly play the star wars games that are out. The new tor game is a bit interesting including sense Revan is one of my favorite characters and it was exciting to me to learn that we will be learning of what *really* happened to him after the wars.

4. Please tell us about your other guild/MMO experiences. If there is more than one guild/experience, please include all of them. If you left your last guild, please tell us why you decided to leave. If you have used more than one name, please list them all.*
Guild Name (Reason for leaving if applies):
-Race:Night Elf

5. What type of role do you wish to take within the guild? How do you plan to be active? Please be specific.*I wish to take on leader role,I will be active by getting on everyday really.

6. Why do you feel the Army of Light is a good fit for you?*Looks strong, organized, hopefully no immature kids.

7. What do you expect of the guild? Please be specific.*A good leader, Respectful members.

8. Age* (Must be 16+ - only truly exceptional Applications from sub-16 year olds will be considered):17

9. Time Zone:*Western

10.Role-Play experience/expectations. Can you give us some examples of Role-Playing you have participated in before. When it comes to expectations, give us an example of what would be fun to participate in, what you are looking for, etc.*I like to role play with the sith but the jedi arn't so bad.

11. How can you benefit and help the guild? Please include any skills or talents you have that you would
enjoy doing within the guild. How have you helped your previous guild(s), if you have previous experience?*I do play other starwars games with active members looks to play swtor, im very good friends with them and will ask them to join.

12. How do you define a quality member?*Respectful,Active,Helps the guild anyway possible.

13. How did you find the Army of Light? Did someone recruit you? If so, please let us know who.*No one recruited me I just typed in light and this came up.

14a.Have you visited our website and chat room, and familiarized yourself with the, Charter, Mission Statement, and Rules of Conduct? (You must answer in the affirmative and please prove that you have)* Yes.

14b. Do you pledge to fulfill them, most notably to uphold the virtues of Maturity, Honor, Respect, Personal Ethics and No Drama?*Yes

14c. The Army of Light wishes to have members who take the concept of Commitment and Loyalty very seriously. By applying and if accepted, you are taking an Oath to both the guild and your guild-mates here. Is this something to which you can commit?Being active for sure.

15. Would you say that you embody the qualities of Respect, Honor, Loyalty, and Maturity? What are your definitions of these four words? Please don’t just answer yes or no, let us know why you think you possess these qualities.*Yes, Respect-Listening to higher ranks, no fighting, being nice anyway possible.Honor-If having a fight and someone apologizes dont be a (non likable person), say sorry to work it out. Loyalty-Not leaving the guild for a bigger one, quality over quantity.Maturity-Behaving on chat, keeps cussing to a minimum.

16. Tell us about a time you offered assistance to someone who did not ask for it but clearly needed it. If you have never had this experience, tell us what you would do if faced with that situation?A guild had just experienced a war with another guild on WoW resulting in the loss of 83 members so they were a very weak guild in the end, I decided to recruit for them and got them 32 members in a month. Now the guild has about 102 active atm. (Grodj) Name of guild.

17. Role-play Scenario (please tell us how you would handle the situation): You are leading a group of 3 others through a forest on a remote moon to destroy an enemy communications relay. Up ahead in a clearing, you happen to spot a small Sith camp. Your group has not yet been spotted by the enemy. You are reasonably well supplied for your mission, including armaments. The clearing containing the Sith camp is not necessarily in your direct path to reach your original mission objective. Attacking the camp could alert the guards at the relay. However, attacking the relay without first dealing with the camp could mean enemy reinforcements from the camp. What do you do?

(Sounds like the computer from knights of the old republic, anyway)I would split up the group.I and the other attack the relay but in the time the two other will get the sith camps attention. While they distract the sith we destroy the relay. With the Sith distracted I and the other help our other two comrades finish the job in clearing the camp, or atleast flee in time to avoid death or a fight with reinforcements. (I didn't want to say the 2 attack the camp head on but at least cause a minor distraction, snipers would be the best outcome for it. Also if I were the one preparing this mission I would set up at least one of them with rockets in case of any enemy tanks. Attacking head on would be suicide.Some of you may not agree with my decision but this is my opinion of the best way to handle the situation, you never know if it will really work until you try it.

18. In more than 50 but less than 200 words, please describe your personal character and the type of person you are (We wish to get a good feel of the type of person that will be becoming a part
of our guild family - a very important question!)*I am a strict man yet I love to have a good time.I do not appreciate children, nor adults acting immature. I have a short temper but I rarely show it. I mostly just like to have fun with others. I can't say I'm a good guy that would be lying and I'm trying to get a good first impression and I do not want to start it off based on lies. I can be the meanest, most peeved off person you can ever meet. I usually sometimes don't even want to talk to people, now that get's you thinking (Why would we want him in? Sounds like he only has a bad attitude). I'm in no way a bad person 24-7 or mostly at all. You all know what it's like to be angry or peeved off. No I don't go acting like a child having a tantrum, I try to handle things *fights* *arguments* *other* in the most mature way possible. I can also be the nicest person around. I'm mostly if not always in a good mood. I like to come up with ideas with the guild and play with friends on star wars. Mostly strategy games like forces of corruption *died* or a shooting game like Republic Commando. I'm more or less a chilled back calm dude who likes to stay out of trouble and hopefully you all can respect that.

19. Tell us a little about your in-game character*
-Character Name:MasterXendor
-Character Physical/Mental Features:Strength and Endurance mostly
-Character Biography:Cast down from elders, join the army for the the redemption and termination of the chosen.

20. What is your registered user name on*LordXendor

Last edited by LordXendor on Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:31 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Jando Vek
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Xendor's Application (Declined) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xendor's Application (Declined)   Xendor's Application (Declined) Icon_minitimeSun Apr 10, 2011 9:31 pm

You are lacking extremely in some areas, not saying I don't want you in, but if I were you I would rework your application.
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Ludwig VanCover
Ludwig VanCover

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Xendor's Application (Declined) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xendor's Application (Declined)   Xendor's Application (Declined) Icon_minitimeSun Apr 10, 2011 9:36 pm

One of those areas include you character bio. It needs to be a lot longer, and full of detail
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Coddy Lightcloud
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Xendor's Application (Declined) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xendor's Application (Declined)   Xendor's Application (Declined) Icon_minitimeMon Apr 11, 2011 1:40 am

I would suggest a change of name too, just take the Lord out and we'll call ya Xendor.
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Teran 'Tec' Bourne
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Teran 'Tec' Bourne

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Xendor's Application (Declined) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xendor's Application (Declined)   Xendor's Application (Declined) Icon_minitimeMon Apr 11, 2011 2:20 am

Needs to be overhauled.

Not just character bio but you own bio too. From what you've said it is hard to get a read on you, if you will. It just sounds like you are a grumpy person.

Need to redo these things, among other areas, so we know what kind of person we are getting. Only real thing i got from your app was. Yes, Yes, Yes, I'll be active.

I recommend elaborating a little.

And that respect thing, you need to be able to respect and take into account what all members are saying not just those who are of a higher rank.

However, please don't take this out of context, i'm not "attacking" you. Just making suggestions for some updates. But hey if you get in without doing anything of what I've said then that's great and . You showed me! haha.

But with some little reworking I think you could be a nice addition to the guild. And it is nice to know that you are willing to help your guild out.
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Rowan Khan
Rowan Khan

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Xendor's Application (Declined) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xendor's Application (Declined)   Xendor's Application (Declined) Icon_minitimeMon Apr 11, 2011 5:16 am

I'm sorry, but I laughed at the part where you said you know all about Star Wars. As other people have said, you should expand upon most of the answers you have put down. Show us that you really want to be a member. I also suggest that you don't have "lord" in your name. Jedi do not view themselves in such a way, only the Sith do.
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Coddy Lightcloud
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Coddy Lightcloud

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Xendor's Application (Declined) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xendor's Application (Declined)   Xendor's Application (Declined) Icon_minitimeMon Apr 11, 2011 5:43 am

Oh be nice Rowan. hehe.
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Korvus Starlight
Korvus Starlight

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Xendor's Application (Declined) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xendor's Application (Declined)   Xendor's Application (Declined) Icon_minitimeMon Apr 11, 2011 9:28 am

He is being nice. He is giving Xendor advice on how to get accepted.
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Jephos Mispir
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Xendor's Application (Declined) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xendor's Application (Declined)   Xendor's Application (Declined) Icon_minitimeMon Apr 11, 2011 3:59 pm

My recommendation would be to both follow the suggestions of the members as well as remove any vulgar language from the application.

Best of luck.
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Cormac Darjay
Cormac Darjay

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Xendor's Application (Declined) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xendor's Application (Declined)   Xendor's Application (Declined) Icon_minitimeMon Apr 11, 2011 6:20 pm

As for the RP thing about the relay and camp: Maybe you should attack one and then the other? Can two people really take a camp. And a different pair a relay? Odds are not good. Yeah, please remove the vulgar luanguage.
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Xendor's Application (Declined) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xendor's Application (Declined)   Xendor's Application (Declined) Icon_minitimeMon Apr 11, 2011 8:51 pm

just a few changes and youll be with us!
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Coddy Lightcloud
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Coddy Lightcloud

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Xendor's Application (Declined) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xendor's Application (Declined)   Xendor's Application (Declined) Icon_minitimeTue Apr 12, 2011 3:54 am

I was being sarcastic Korvus, just forgot italics.
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Xendor's Application (Declined) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xendor's Application (Declined)   Xendor's Application (Declined) Icon_minitimeTue Apr 12, 2011 6:17 pm

I wear LordXendor, sense that is the original name I created years ago. but I wont be wearing Lord on chat or ingame so no worries.
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Jephos Mispir
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Xendor's Application (Declined) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xendor's Application (Declined)   Xendor's Application (Declined) Icon_minitimeWed Apr 13, 2011 5:06 am

Greetings Xendor,

Your application is now under review by the Recruitment Council. You will receive a reply in the next 48-72 hours.

Thank you for your interest in The Army of Light.

Grand Master Jephos Mispir
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Jephos Mispir
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Jephos Mispir

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Xendor's Application (Declined) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xendor's Application (Declined)   Xendor's Application (Declined) Icon_minitimeFri Apr 15, 2011 6:24 am

Greetings Xendor,

Thank you for applying to The Army of Light.

At this time for various reasons we feel that our guild is not the right match for you.

However, we do wish you safe travels and good journeys in TOR.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Take care.

- The Army of Light Recruitment Council
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PostSubject: Re: Xendor's Application (Declined)   Xendor's Application (Declined) Icon_minitime

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